
Harold Fouch
Evangelist, Gospel Singer and Songwriter
Harold wrote his first song at the age of eight, since then he have wrote many songs, so many that he has lost track of them. He has had songs recorded by groups such as Southern Praise, Crimson Rose, The Feltner Family, Hunter May, Middle Fork Bluegrass, Kingsmen, Singing Cookes, Shepherd Quartet, Ray Wolford, Lizzy G, and many other regional groups, and national groups. Harold has had song reach The Singing News, SGN Scoops, Christian Voice Magazine, Cash Box, US Gospel News & other charts.

Daniel James
Evangelist, Worship Leader and Song Writer
Daniel James is not new to the industry. For the past two decades, James has worked in professional recording studios, produced artists, and performed as a gospel singer/songwriter. James works with a Jail ministry where his heart is has always been his music. Daniel enjoys the blessings God gave him and would like to come to a service with you and share his talents with you.

Rev. Dorsey Lunn
Evangelist and Gospel Singer
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy household.
Romans 10:9-12 So if you will confess with your mouth our Lord Jesus and will believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For the heart that believes in him shall be declared righteous, and the mouth that confesses he shall live. Dorsey is a Minister, Entrepreneur, Marketeer, Business Owner, Author, Actor, Model and singer songwriter.

Josh Hughes
Evangelist and Gospel Singer
Josh Hughes is a TV Show Host of “Good News with Josh” and “Jesus & Coffee”.
As Josh brings the word of God his heart is burning to see souls saved. With the Passion of love for the Lord is how he lives his life and show others the way. Josh has been sung in many churches and events not for his glory but for the Lords!