Ronda Smalling
"Love is the Key, Be Kind"
Ronda Smalling is a small town girl with big deams. She has worked in the entertainment business her whole life, starting with Plays,Radio, Music,Media,Film,TV,Production,Publicist,Promotions,Writting and many many other levels.
Ronda is know as "Rowdy Ronda" and is a fun loving all around kind soul. Ronda said" I want to be able to help others live their dreams".

Lora Smalling
VP/ Financial advisor
Work hard and dream harder....
"Goofy for President"

Wilma Jean Smalling
Board Member/ Financial advisor
Love and care for one another.... "Family First"

Edith Smalling
Board Member/ Financial advisor
"I've worked hard to get where I am and Harder to stay here"

Harold Fouch
Booking Manager/ Artist art work desinger
My heart belongs to Jesus and my life is his. "I will go in his name "

Geneva Fouch
Booking Agent / Art designer/ email Manager
With Jesus all can be done..... "Singing for the Lord is a blessing"

Wayne & Cindy Owenby
Spiritual Advisors