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The Bradys

Professional Gospel Singers

The Bradys

Real. Raw. Vulnerable. Transparent.

A ministry birthed from a place of brokenness, and restoration.

The Bradys was formed with God’s love and grace as he brought together Ted and Jennifer Brady to lead congregations in worship. God is blessing and opening doors and this ministry team is committed to walking through each one with expectancy. Jen shares, "I am humbled and amazed that God would choose to use me… use us! He has given me the desires of my heart. We are full time and fully rely on God to provide all of our needs. We have not chosen the “Hollywood Way” but the “Holy Ghost Way”.  We stepped out in faith 10 months ago and He HAS NOT failed us one time! We are blessed beyond measure and held securely in His grip of grace as we endeavor to walk in His will and fulfill the calling He has placed on our lives. We’ve been blessed to witness 67 salvations so far in 2019 and we’re believing for 100 by December 31st!"

Jennifer, a four year graduate of Steve Hurst School of Music in Nashville, TN, sings lead and occasionally plays piano. Affectionately known as “leather lungs”, she sings her way into the audiences’ hearts every time she takes the platform. Jen previously toured with The Grissops, True Love, and Decree. She also ministered as a soloist for over 5 years. Jen has five adopted children (Javon, Savannah, Michael, Art and Larry) and wrote a song about her adoption journey called “Wrapped in Love”.

Listen to his testimony or as he delivers a song and you soon realize Ted is the "real deal". Born in Aberdeen, NC, a preacher’s kid, Ted was the answer to his parent's prayers when he started "tinkering" on the piano at age 12 and playing for the church congregation just three weeks later. He joined his first group at the age of fifteen and fell in love with Southern Gospel Music. Ted has 3 children: Kevin, Makaylla and Madison. Jen shares, “He sings every part, so we can’t just say he’s our baritone singer! Plus, he plays piano and bass guitar, drives the bus and owns his own recording studio (His Way Studio)... standing on stage beside my husband and singing the gospel is an honor and answer to prayer!” Ted and Jen recently celebrated one year of marriage and make their home in Travelers Rest, SC where they attend Old Fashioned Baptist Church with Pastor Jerry Darnell.

When you join The Bradys for a worship service, you will laugh and cry, but our prayer is that you will leave different than you arrived... forever changed! That you receive more than entertainment - a blessing from God!

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©1997 by Thundering Hoofs Productions. 

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