Tommy Coffey
Professional Wrestler
Tommy Coffey is a Professional wrestler. A Native of Oak Ridge,TN.Growing up watching wrestling with his family. Tommy knew at a very young age of 3 that he want to a wrestler.Tommy has spent nearly every second since then dedicating his life to the business. Now standing at 6’0 tall and 273 lbs you would never thought he was a Shriner’s patient when he was told he would never walk again. He remembers when they told him the first thing he said was , “Does mean I can’t be a wrestler?” With Tommy’s strong will power and hard work, he overcame it and continue to fight for his dream and to do what he does better than anyone else today.Tommy may not have the classic action figure look, but what he is lacking in abs he makes up for it with his fists.
See Tommy in Action
Casino Royale
The "Natural" Chase Stevens and Tommy Coffey
River Plantation